2009 Year in Review


ATL’s Lawyer of the Year: The Winner

Voting has concluded in our LAWYER OF THE YEAR contest. From over 160 comments, we developed a slate of ten nominees. Over 1,600 votes later, we have a winner. With so many worthy competitors, the voting was close. These were your top three vote-getters, each with over 15 percent of the vote: The Anonymous Laid-Off […]


ATL Lawyer of the Year: The Nominees

Thanks to everyone who submitted possible nominees for our Lawyer of the Year award. We reviewed your 160+ comments and developed a slate of ten worthy candidates. Before we reveal them, we’ll talk about a few folks we passed over. A number of you suggested Mike Leach, the lawyer turned football coach who was recently […]


ATL Lawyer of the Year: Nominations, Please

The year 2009 is almost over, but not just yet — which is a good thing. This means we still have time to solicit your nominations for Above the Law’s LAWYER OF THE YEAR. In 2008, you crowned then-President Elect Barack Obama your Lawyer of the Year. After being named ATL’s Lawyer of the Year, […]